Prepare JSON file
Prepare a JSON file with a register or a list of them
- {...}
- [{...},...,{...}]
Deploy in Rester's Dummy Run
Choose your API path and deploy JSON file in Rester's Dummy Run engine.
Consume published API
Consume your exposed API in Rester's Dummy Run with your prefered Rest client
Rester's Dummy Run exposed APIs
Rester's Dummy Run Expose the following methods to your Rest API deployed
Custom APIs
- /api/{path} [GET]
- /api/{path}/{id} [GET]
- /api/{path} [POST]
- /api/{path} [PUT]
- /api/{path}/{id} [DELETE]
All Spring Boot actuactors enpoints exposed, even prometheus metrics
Poke It! and see more in Swagger UI
Manage API
Rester's Dummy Run Internal API to manage exposed services
Poke It! and see more in Swagger UI
Deploy Rester's Dummy Run
Deploy Rester's Dummy Run running on Docker
Deploy in Docker
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 scaamanho/resters-dummy-run:latest
Deploy in Docker Compose
docker-compose up -d
Deploy in Swarm
docker stack deploy -f=docker-swarm-rdr.yml resters-dummy-run
Deploy in Kubernetes
helm deploy resters-dummy-run
Deploy Standalone
Choose one option
- mvn spring-boot:run
- java -jar resters-dummy-run.jar
Swagger UI
Rester's Dummy Run can open Swagger Rest Client to interact with published APIs.
Just Poke It!Rester´s Dummy Run UI
Screenshots from Rester´s Dummy Run UI
Igor Dito
Ceo & Founder
Thanks to Rester's Dummy Run our Rest Apis has a special bright!
Rosa Melano
Rester's Dummy Run it's like a religious experiece!
Elena Nito
Store Owner
With Rester's Dummy Run my storage never goes out of stock!
Francisco Jones
Thanks to Rester's Dummy Run I can do nothing and facture it!
Juancho Talarga
Rester's Dummy Run es como el Scotch Brite. ¡Yo no puedo estar sin el!